Because every child is unique, we focus on face-to-face counseling. Therefore a simple test for your child will determine how we can advice you on their learning improvement. As for the class time, course fee, etc., we will give you a detailed explanation (also we provide financial aid) during the parenting consultation session. However, the learning results and its value is the only consideration for your child to build self-learning ability.

Therefore, we would like to seek your cooperation in completing the form below so that we can contact you to arrange for an appointment at our branch near you. We will provide you with a detailed consultation on how our programmes can help improve your child’s learning.

Please bring your child along for the appointment to enjoy a FREE Preliminary Learning Assessment.

YelaoShr ® Appointment Form:- [A copy of Appointment Submission will be email to you. The branch person-in-charge will contact you to confirm the appointment schedule.]

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